Christmas Around The World

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Christmas in the South Pacific
The image of Santa Claus, snow and winter being part of Christmas is so strong, that it is hard to believe this season is hot and sunny for millions around the world. In fact, it's almost certain that it was rather warm for Jesus too. Shepherds were out at night with their flocks in the open fields, so we know Jesus wasn't born during Bethlehem's winter.

Christmas in the Canadian Arctic
Last year for Christmas we invited a polar bear to the Christmas party in our igloo. Okay, we didn't live in an igloo, in the old days they might have, but not now. We didn't really invite the bear either, but he showed up for Christmas anyway. That's the way Christmas goes in Tuktoyaktuk.

Christmas in Mexico
Navidad, or Christmas, is a religious holiday and, one that does not just occur on one day, but contains a whole season of festivities. It all began about four centuries ago when Hernan Cortes set out from Spain to conquer the Aztecs. And conquer he did, right down to the appropriation of the celebrations reserved for the Aztec god, Huitzilopochtli, that occurred at the same time of year that Christmas does. Later, when Mexico became a colony of Spain and the missionaries from the Catholic Church followed the conquistadors, Christmas celebrations began and continue to this day.

Christmas in Eurpoe
What are you most looking forward to this Christmas? Is it whacking an old tree trunk with a big stick in hopes that nuts and candies might spill out? Or tucking into a sumptuous giant eel for your Christmas Eve dinner? Or perhaps you are eagerly anticipating that magical night when the rivers will turn to wine and the mountaintops will crack open to reveal a hidden treasure trove of precious jewels!

Christmas Crackers
More than 150 years ago a simple tradition was born in Great Britain that continues to be an important part of the British Christmas to this day. I came upon this fascinating piece of information purely by accident when it was inspired by a client that I write for in England.

Christmas in Italy
Every country all over the world has it's own traditions. Even different religions have their own traditions. I'm going to tell you about Italy's traditions.


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